Studio Lighting Techniques

In this Section  have decided to look at studio lighting and various techniques
than i can use to create different effects. Looking as the various studio 
equipment that i can use, I have decided to look at 4 different lighting 
techniques and artists that have inspired me to look at these techniques.

Butterfly Lighting.

Butterfly Lighting is named this as it  creates a butterfly shaped shadow this is
 created under the nose. This is done by placing the main light source above and 
behind the camera directly. The Photographer is shooting from underneath the 
light source to create this pattern. It is sometimes added to by placing a 
reflector directly under the chin.This would be done by the subject holding the 
reflector. This is most often used for glamour style shots and to create shadows
 under the cheeks and chin.

James Kendall.

Here James Kendall has inspired me with his simple but effective use of Butterfly
 Lighting. Kendall was born in Lincoln but currently living in Brighton, Working 
as the editor of source magazine. I have chosen to look at him as he likes to 
show him and his personality through out his work.

Image One

Kendal has used a large aperture, he has done this to create a shallow depth of 
field.  This has allowed him to enhance the facial features which are , the main
 point of interest.  I was drawn in to this image by the eyes of the person, 
being just above the horizon line and looking directly out of the image it makes
 you feel that she is looking directly at you. Kendal has tried to create a 
glamour style shot which has a 'quirky' twist  shown through her eyes and lips
 standing out. I feel he was successful in doing this as he has used a high ISO
 and a slow shutter speed to help bring the light in to the image and show 
detail on the face. It is clear that this has been done on site in a studio 
environment. I feel showing glamour with a 'quirky' edge in the way you dress 
the model is interesting and i would like to carry this forward in to my work.

Udi Tirosh

I have decided to look at Udi Tirosh as I am inspired by the way that he has 
used the butterfly technique to show glamour in people who aren't seen to have 
it. Showing glamour isn't just a look it can be a personality and everyone in 
the world is glamours and beautiful in their own way.

Image One

Screen Shot 2013-11-27 at 10.33.00
Tirosh has enhanced the features of the face by using butterfly lighting to 
create shadows under the cheeks and chin. These shadows draw you to the eyes 
which were the first aspects that drew me in to the image, I feel this was the 
main point of interest. I feel that making sure the eyes are above the horizon
 line of the image is important as you are more drawn to aspects of the image 
above the horizon line. This has been done in a studio environment. Looking 
away makes you feel that she is lonely or upset trying to portray sadness.
 A close up has been used to show this detail and emotion to the audience, 
I feel he was successful in doing this as he has used a high ISO and a slow 
shutter speed to help bring the light in to the image and show detail on the 
face. Showing the paleness and sadness through their eyes.

Image Two

Screen Shot 2013-11-27 at 10.33.15
 A close up shot will be used as it is typically just the face and shoulders or 
a subject. I feel he was successful in doing this as he has used a low ISO and
 a slow shutter speed to stop allowing too much light in to the image This 
image has a little head room above,this would have been done to prevent ' 
floating head syndrome' as the shoulders suggest to the brain that there is a 
body below. A large aperture has been used to create a shallow depth of field. 
This has allowed the facial features such as the lips to be the main point of 
interest by using the big bold colour to stand out on the image. Using this 
bold color has been away to try to portray a glamours look. It is clear that 
this has been done on site in a studio environment. I feel showing glamour in 
the way you dress the model is interesting and I would like to carry this forward
 in to my work, looking at enhancing one facial feature to draw interest.

Rembrandt lighting

Rembrandt lighting gets its name because the pattern is a replication of the 
light pattern the famous painted Rembrandt used in the majority of his portraits.
Your able to recognise this technique by  the triangle of light that is created 
on one side of the face or  the triangle of light on the cheek. The shadow of 
the nose and cheek do touch, unlike Lighting such as loop lighting, it creates
 that trapped little triangle of light in the middle. Rembrandt lighting is very
 stylised and works very well to bring the mood in to the portrait. It is a great
 pattern but must be used selectively to create a mood as it would not create a 
bubbly personality it would be more to create a reserved mood.

Luis Martinez Arnal

Arnal is a photographer showing his work through flickr, I have chosen to look
 at Arnal as I feel he tries to portray the personality of the people throughout
 the photos and tries to show the importance of the persons emotions.
Screen Shot 2013-11-27 at 10.06.43
A close up shot will be used as it is typically just the face and shoulders or
 a subject. This image has a little head room above,this would have been done 
to prevent ' floating head syndrome' as the shoulders suggest to the brain that 
their is a body below. The shadow of the nose and cheek do touch, this enhances
 the eyes. I feel that this enhancing to the eyes shows the emotion through the 
eyes showing importance and power through the eyes. Having the eyes just above 
the horizon line I feel  eyes make you feel venerable and shows their power. 
You are drawn straight to the eyes because of this. I think that a low ISO would
 have been used and a slow shutter speed with a Small aperture.

François Sylvain

François Sylvain Joined Flickr January 2008, Currently living in Gatineau, 
Canada. Working as an  informatics developer.  He has been doing photography 
for a couple years. Starting At the beginning of 2008. Since then he has learn 
many techniques by reading books, blogs and attending a portrait course. 
Showing a desire to learn and be creative this is why i have chosen to study 
him. He has set-up a mini-studio at his house to take some professional shots 
during winter, Specialising in portraits.
Screen Shot 2013-11-27 at 10.07.34
In this image Sylvian used a medium close up. I feel that a the use of enhancing 
the eyes makes you look at where she is looking and makes you think of where she 
is looking.I feel that a low ISO would be used as a slow shutter speed would be 
used to make sure detail and contrast was captured. I feel that small apeture
 would be used as it a would alow a large depth of feild.
 Screen Shot 2013-11-27 at 10.07.51
I feel that a low ISO would be used as a slow shutter speed would be used to 
make sure detail and contrast was captured. I feel that small apeture would be used 
as it a would alow a large depth of feild. I feel that this is important as it allowed
 this detail and shadows to be clear and ehnanced. In this image Sylvian used a medium close 
up. I feel that this looks enhancing as the eyes show  emotion through the eyes
 showing importance and power through the eyes. Showing Power and 
importance through the faceial features.

Robert Dalton

Robert Dalton joined Flickr in May 2006, Living is Los Angeles California.
 Working as a photography teacher and spiritual practitioner. 
I have chosen to study his as i feel he has used his personality
 in his work showing pure beauty and showing spirit through his work.
Screen Shot 2013-11-27 at 10.10.20
I feel that in this image Dalton has tried to create a pure beautiful image.
 I feel that he created this by using a low ISO would be used as a slow shutter
 speed would be used to make sure detail and contrast was captured. I feel that
 small aperture would be used as it a would allow a large depth of field. I feel
 that the use of bright rememberant lighting shows the purity of the skin. The
 enhancementing  of the blue eyes and red lips and interest and draws you in. 
I feel the eyes looking directly out of the image shows purity in the image. 
This allows him to create purity and beauty in the image. 

Split Lighting 


Split Lighting

Studio Shoot One 

After looking at artists and various studio techniques i decided to do a
 shot inspired by these techniques. Trying these techniques out and  experimenting
 with lighting in the studio and how i can use it to portray an emotion in my models. 

Contact sheets

Studio Studio 1

Image One 

In this image I used a Low ISO of 100 I did this as I felt that it would 
show off the light that I was creating with lights in the studio. I also
 used a slow shutter speed and a small aperture, I did this as it allowed
 me to have a large depth of field, making sure I have depth and contrast
 in my image. The shadow of the nose and cheek do touch, this allows me to
 bring intrest to the eye as this shadow draws you towards one eye. This is 
because the triangle of light that is created on one side of the face. I feel 
that this image shows purity and beauty in the face of a woman, the
 concentration of the eyes shows the power of the body and i feel this
 makes and impact.  
Screen shot. Screen Shot 2013-12-05 at 12.14.46
I used a Medium close up to create this image, when i edit this i feel that
 i would like to crop this image to a close up allowing the face to sit 
inside all hotspots. Making sure the eyes are just above the horizon line, 
this draws you naturally to the eyes. I would also edit the contrast and 
colours slightly using the curves tool this is shown by the screen shot. 
Edited Image
IMG_9126 edit
I feel that Cropping the image allowed it to make more of a statement  allowing theface to sit  inside all hotspots. Making sure the eyes are just above the horizon line,drawing you in to the image and the emotion through the eyes.Compare and Contrast
My image and Arnal’s Image.
IMG_9126 editScreen Shot 2013-11-27 at 10.06.43

I feel that both these images, enhancing the 
eyes to show the emotion. Through the eyes
 showing importance and power. I feel I have 
used eyes looking directly at you and head on
to make the power and emotion obvious, Where 
Arnal has made his more suibtal and mysterious.


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